Pimps In A Rural Crib

July 19, 2010 § 2 Comments

So because it’s 30 degrees outside and i just got back from Cornwall we have a guest blogger on the site today. Hi Tom.

Hustle – Tunng

A barn dance can be awful. Made worse by your mother dancing as though she’s just been in a Sound of Music flashmob, forcing you to drink till you can’t remember throwing up round the back of the house. But not this one, I promise. Because this one is presented by Tunng, and they have laptops, yo! And what a big difference that makes.

The loops on their new album ‘…And Then We Saw Land’ bubble away under the foaming guitars waiting to surface in a joyous climax, with Mike Lindsay whispering sweet nothings into your speakers. It’s glorious. Hustle is the pinnacle of this, dancing with syncopated hooks and guitar licks around my fictional barn, forgetting the darkness of the lyrics and just wanting to hum along to the tune on a bale of hay with a thread of straw in your mouth and pretending to be west-countryyy. Ooo arr luber.


Village Green Preservation Society (The Kinks) – Kate Rusby

As you may have realised, I’m not one of the brothers you might find on this blog, and for this butting in I can only apologise. But before I leave you to dash back into my cave on the other side of the interweb I’d like to leave you with some more folk – hey, it’s summertime and I’m off to a Festival so I though I’d get in the mood. Kate Rusby has an outstandingly beautiful voice, the first time I ever heard her I fell in love with her. Listening to her sing Blooming Heather still paralyzes me in its beauty. However, it’s a pretty quiet song for a Monday. What you need gentle traveller is an uplifting ditty. Fare thee well!


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